About us
Estronics is an Estonian export cluster for smart electronics
The cluster was initiated by the
Estonian Electronics Industries Association
in 2015 and started its activities in January 2016.
Estonian Electronics Industries Association
in 2015 and started its activities in January 2016.
The cluster acts as a platform for joint activities of Estonian electronics companies
wishing to improve their export performance. Cluster activities will help companies develop new products and services
and sell them at foreign markets.
wishing to improve their export performance. Cluster activities will help companies develop new products and services
and sell them at foreign markets.
Today, Estronics has 18 partners: 13 companies, 3 research institutions and 2 professional associations.
The activities of Estronics receive financial support from the national cluster programme by Enterprise Estonia
Aims and activities
ESTRONICS, the smart electronics export cluster, receives support from the Cluster Programme of
Enterprise Estonia .
The programme is financed by EU-Regional Development fund for the perid of 01.10.2016 – 31.12.2018.
Enterprise Estonia .
The programme is financed by EU-Regional Development fund for the perid of 01.10.2016 – 31.12.2018.
The aim of the cluster is to build a joint platform for Estonian electronics companies, universities and supporting organizations
in order to increase the export volume of products and services with more added value.
in order to increase the export volume of products and services with more added value.
Partner companies of the cluster are mainly small enterprises developing their own products
and providing electronics engineering services.
Combining their effort with universities, EMS providers and plastics companies will result in new products for end consumers.
and providing electronics engineering services.
Combining their effort with universities, EMS providers and plastics companies will result in new products for end consumers.
Main activities of the cluster
Increasing the professional skills and competences of cluster partners –
mapping training needs and internal resources,
developing and providing training for both partners and other interested companies,
offering apprenticeship for students.
mapping training needs and internal resources,
developing and providing training for both partners and other interested companies,
offering apprenticeship for students.
1. Elaborating new products and services in cooperation with cluster partners and third parties –
mapping mutual interests,
organizing joint workshops in order to develop new products and services,
supporting applied research.
mapping mutual interests,
organizing joint workshops in order to develop new products and services,
supporting applied research.
2. Promoting exports and internationalization of partner companies –
participating in trade fairs and trade missions supported by market research activities.
Currently the main export target markets of the cluster are Nordic counties and Germany.
participating in trade fairs and trade missions supported by market research activities.
Currently the main export target markets of the cluster are Nordic counties and Germany.
3. As a result, the number of engineers working for partner companies is expected to increase twofold,
the export volume of our partners by 75%
and the value added per employee by 80%
within four years.
the export volume of our partners by 75%
and the value added per employee by 80%
within four years.
Cooperation opportunities
We offer a wide range of services by the cluster and cluster partners
1. Trainings designed for electronics and plastic companies
(product development, engineering, intellectual property rights and contracts, export sales)
(product development, engineering, intellectual property rights and contracts, export sales)
2. Electronic engineering services from planning to prototyping
3. Electronics manufacturing services from small to large amounts
4. Integrating plastic components and products in electronic manufacturing
Electronics industry in Estonia
Estonian electronics sector has a long history
In 1907 the first telephone factory was founded in Estonia. Electronics is one of the largest industrial sector
in Estonia with over 200 companies and 11 000 employees. Large international corporations offer mostly large-scale
production for exports while smaller local companies offer engineering services
and develop innovative products and solutions.
in Estonia with over 200 companies and 11 000 employees. Large international corporations offer mostly large-scale
production for exports while smaller local companies offer engineering services
and develop innovative products and solutions.
Manufacturing of electronics and electrical equipment is divided into two sub-branches:
Manufacturing of computers, electronic and optical equipment forms approximately 75% of sector turnover.
The activities of companies range from Electronics Manufacturing Service to producing telecommuniation,
industrial, medical and automotive equipment or components.
The largest companies are
Ericsson Eesti AS (mobile network equipment),
Enics Eesti AS (electronic components for industrial and medical equipment),
Scanfil OÜ (telecommunications equipment)
and Ordi AS (computers).
The activities of companies range from Electronics Manufacturing Service to producing telecommuniation,
industrial, medical and automotive equipment or components.
The largest companies are
Ericsson Eesti AS (mobile network equipment),
Enics Eesti AS (electronic components for industrial and medical equipment),
Scanfil OÜ (telecommunications equipment)
and Ordi AS (computers).
The manufacture of electrical equipment forms the remaining 25% of the sector.
The largest companies are
ABB AS (production of electricity distribution equipment and power generators),
Ensto Ensek AS (electricity distribution equipment and control apparatuses),
AS Konesko (electric motors and equipment),
and AS Draka Keila Cables (cable and cable harnesses).
The largest companies are
ABB AS (production of electricity distribution equipment and power generators),
Ensto Ensek AS (electricity distribution equipment and control apparatuses),
AS Konesko (electric motors and equipment),
and AS Draka Keila Cables (cable and cable harnesses).
95% of Estonian electronics industry’s output is exported. The main export destinations are Sweden and Finland –
their share is 60% of total exports and is explained by strong links between foreign companies
and their Estonian subsidiaries.
their share is 60% of total exports and is explained by strong links between foreign companies
and their Estonian subsidiaries.
Estonian-owned companies are mostly small-size companies that provide electronic engineering services.
A number of foreign-owned production companies also have their development teams in Estonia.
Estonia’s strengths are its good overall science and IT skills and the broad range of talent and engineering excellence.
This is combined with the flexibility and adaptness to respond to changing needs.
A number of foreign-owned production companies also have their development teams in Estonia.
Estonia’s strengths are its good overall science and IT skills and the broad range of talent and engineering excellence.
This is combined with the flexibility and adaptness to respond to changing needs.
In general, companies established in Estonia gain from simple labor and tax legislation combined with conservative economic policy.
Modern ICT solutions make running a business extremely quick and convenient, saving time and money.
For example, a company can be established within 15 minutes and without leaving your computer
Modern ICT solutions make running a business extremely quick and convenient, saving time and money.
For example, a company can be established within 15 minutes and without leaving your computer
Local values chains are functioning, starting with the development of an idea
and the manufacturing of prototypes until the production of the first serial batches.
This the reason why companies such as Ericsson, ABB, Stoneridge Electronics, Scanfil,
NOTE, Enics, Milectria and FLIR Systems operate in Estonia.
and the manufacturing of prototypes until the production of the first serial batches.
This the reason why companies such as Ericsson, ABB, Stoneridge Electronics, Scanfil,
NOTE, Enics, Milectria and FLIR Systems operate in Estonia.
Cluster Estronics has 18 partners:
13 companies, 3 research institutions, 2 professional associations
13 companies, 3 research institutions, 2 professional associations
Professional associations:
Estonian Electronic Industries Association
Eesti elektroonikatööstuse katuseorganisatsioon
Estonian Plastics Association
EMS-ide, insenertehniliste teenuspakkujate ja matoodete arendajate toetamine valdkondlike (plast, komposiidid) teadmistega
Eesti Platitööstuse Liidu eesmärgiks on liikmesettevõtete huvide esindamine ja ühiste koostööprojektide läbiviimine.
Liitu kuulub 35 ettevõtet. Liigu peamised tegevused:
1) Valdkonna esindamine
2) Erialainfo ja täiendkoolitused
3) Liikmete ühistegevused
Liitu kuulub 35 ettevõtet. Liigu peamised tegevused:
1) Valdkonna esindamine
2) Erialainfo ja täiendkoolitused
3) Liikmete ühistegevused
Masstootja (EMS)
Põhitegevusalaks masstootmine (EMS), vajadusel pakuvad klientidele arendust elektroonika valdkonnas.
Tegutsevad rongi-, energia-, telekommunikatsiooni- ja autotööstuses
Tegutsevad rongi-, energia-, telekommunikatsiooni- ja autotööstuses
Insenertehnilised teenused; omatooted
Ettevõte tegutseb peamiselt kommunikatsioonivaldkonnas (raadiosageduslike elektroonikaseadmete disain, tootmine ja hulgimüük).
Võimekuste hulka kuuluvad riistvara ja tarkvaja disain, tööstusdisain, tootmine.
Võimekuste hulka kuuluvad riistvara ja tarkvaja disain, tööstusdisain, tootmine.
Insenertehnilised teenused; omatooted
Tegeleb sardsüsteemide arendusega, planeerimisega, tootmisega. Lisaks kontrollerite tegemine, süsteemidisain.
Tegevusvaldkondadeks tööstusautomaatika ja robootika.
Tegevusvaldkondadeks tööstusautomaatika ja robootika.
Artec Design
Insenertehnilised teenused; omatooted
Võimekuste hulka kuuluvad tarkvara/riistvara disain, tööstusdisain, tootmine (prototüüpimine, testimine, SMD kokkupanek).
Insenertehnilised teenused; omatooted
Tegutseb asjade interneti valdkonnas, omatoode võimaldab asjade võrgustumist, lisaks pakuvad tootearendust.
Insenertehnilised teenused; omatooted
Tugiteenuste pakkuja: Müük, turundus, äriarendus
Insenertehnilised teenused; omatooted
Tegutsemisvaldkond elektroonika disain, prototüüpimine, mehaanika/mehhatroonika, programmeerimine
Wazombi Labs
Insenertehnilised teenused; omatooted
Tootearendus, riistvara, mobiilitarkvara ja asjade interneti valdkonnas
TECH Group
EMS teenuste pakkumine; disain ja tootearendus
Tech Group’il on kolm peamist tegevusvaldkonda:
1) Automaatikaseadmete valmistamine tööstusele
2) Tootmise allhanketeenuste pakkumine
3) Disaini ja tootearenduse pakkumine
1) Automaatikaseadmete valmistamine tööstusele
2) Tootmise allhanketeenuste pakkumine
3) Disaini ja tootearenduse pakkumine
Insenertehnilised teenused
Riist- ja tarkvaraarendus elektroonika, mehaanika ja optika valdkondades
Law Firm Glimstedt
Juriidilised teenused
Tugiteenused: juriidiline nõustamine, intellektuaalomandi kaitse, kaubamärgi vaidlused, lepingud
THE Systems
Insenertehnilised teenused; omatooted
Kogu toote elutsükli etapid (tootearendus, spetsifikatsioon, prototüüpimine, testimine).
Tegevusvaldkondadeks seire aparaadid, elektrilised sõidukid, LED valgustid
Tegevusvaldkondadeks seire aparaadid, elektrilised sõidukid, LED valgustid
Insenertehnilised teenused; omatooted
Riist- ja tarkvaraarendus
Research institutions:
Tallinn University of Technology
Tootearendus – projekteerimine, planeerimine, spetsifikatsioon, prototüüpimine
University of Tartu
Tootearenduse kogu tsükkel – projekteerimine, planeerimine,
spetsifikatsioon, prototüüpimine, tootmine koostööpartneritega
spetsifikatsioon, prototüüpimine, tootmine koostööpartneritega
Estonian Academy of Arts
Tegutsemis Tootekujundus, teenusekujunduse uuringud, kasutajaliidese kujundus,
graafiline disain (turundusmaterjalid), töötedisain, nutikas disain
graafiline disain (turundusmaterjalid), töötedisain, nutikas disain
Cluster also has 8 associated partners:
Enics Eesti, Tradex, Harju Elekter Teletehnika, ELIKO TAK, Dstarter, SmartStuff, Jeko Disain, Skeleton Technologies
Enics Eesti, Tradex, Harju Elekter Teletehnika, ELIKO TAK, Dstarter, SmartStuff, Jeko Disain, Skeleton Technologies